CH: Daily Mass / Recognizing Veterans (FEB)

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CH: Daily Mass / Recognizing Veterans (FEB)

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We will recognize and honor the living and deceased veterans of our armed services at the
8am Saturday morning Mass on November 9th.

– Veterans who are able to participate in the Mass in person are invited to walk in the entrance and recessional processions
– A list of the names of veterans associated with our parish (parishioners as well as family members of parishioners) will be read during the Mass. We will read the names of all of the veterans we received last year as well as any additional names we receive this year.

– If you would like your name or the name of your loved one to be read during the Mass, please email Michael Chladil at or leave a message for him at the rectory. Please include in your message for each veteran their full name (including pronunciation if needed), rank, branch of service, and whether they are living or deceased.

Please submit names by Wednesday, November 6th.

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November 9, 2024
8:00 am - 8:30 am