World Marriage Day

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World Marriage Day

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February 12, 2023 is World Marriage Day, a celebration of Christian marriage that honors husband and wife as the foundation of the family. World Marriage Day salutes the faithfulness, sacrifice, and joy that are part of daily living for husbands and wives and their generous love that gives rise to new life.

On World Marriage Day, we celebrate married love whose enduring power comes from the total gift of self a man and a woman give to each other. In celebrating this day, we remember that God, in Jesus, is always with us and with his help and grace assists us in all our efforts to live the love he calls us to give to each other.

This year, we will celebrate all marriages at the Masses on the weekend of February 11th and 12th with a blessing of Married Couples and Re-Affirmation of Wedding Vows, but if you are not able to attend Mass in person, the livestream will be available.


February 8
February 9