Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharist Ministers serve our parish as they assist the Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (our priests and deacon) in the distribution of the precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

The Eucharistic rite is a Divine reality and is the very essence of our faith.

In every celebration of the Eucharist, there should be a sufficient number of ministers of Holy Communion so that it may be distributed in a reverent and orderly manner. Eucharistic Ministers are lay people that assist the priest in administering the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Eucharistic Ministers will be trained in preparation to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence. All ministers of Holy Communion should show the greatest reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist by their demeanor, their attire, and the manner in which they handle the consecrated bread or wine. People of prayer who are eager to bring Christ to others in a reverent and loving manner are invited to become Eucharistic Ministers. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please either call Fr. Scott at the Rectory office, e-mail Fr. Scott or fill out the Eucharistic Minister Sign Up Form.

  1. Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled Mass.
  2. There will be 1 minister of the host and 2 ministers of the cup at the 5pm, 10am and 12noon Masses. The 8am Mass will have 1 host minister and 1 cup minister. If Deacon Kevin is on for the Mass, he will also administer the cup. The 10am Mass will also have a Host minister for the choir. The Eucharistic minister schedule will indicate who is a host minister and who Is a cup minister.
  3. At the sign of peace, please leave your seat and come into the sanctuary area.
  4. If there is no deacon present at the Mass, the Eucharistic minister will bring the ciborium from the Tabernacle to the altar. At the 5pm, 8am and 10am Masses, also bring the pyx with the gluten-free hosts to the altar. If there is a deacon present, he will bring the ciborium from the tabernacle to the altar. Please always remember to either bow or genuflect to the Tabernacle before taking the ciborium out of the Tabernacle.
  5. Before the priest gives you Communion, he will sanitize his hands. The priest will come to you to give you Communion. The priest or deacon will offer the cup to the cup ministers. After you receive Communion, please sanitize your hands. Then the host minister will be handed the ciborium with the consecrated Hosts. After all the ministers have their ciborium and cups, you will then proceed to your Communion stations. You have the option of whether to wear your mask for the distribution of Communion.
  6. For distributing Communion, the host minister will stand next to the celebrant. One cup minister will stand next to the celebrant and the other cup minister will stand next to the host minister.
  7. When a person comes up for Communion, hold up the Host, then say, “The Body of Christ,” they will respond, “Amen,” then place the Host in their hands, they will step to the side, consume the Host and then return to their seats.
  8. The cup is offered to the communicant with the words: “The blood of Christ.” The communicant answers: “Amen” and receives the cup.
  9. After the communicant has drunk the Precious Blood, the minister wipes the rim of the cup with the purificator, turns the cup slightly and offers it to the next person.
  10. One Eucharistic minister will have to give Communion to anyone sitting in the blue chairs on the Blessed Mother side and on the St. Joseph side before going to your Communion station.
  11. After Communion, bring the ciborium back to the altar. One Eucharistic minister or the deacon will bring the ciborium back to the Tabernacle. After placing the ciborium back in the Tabernacle, either bow or genuflect to the Tabernacle. Before returning to your seat, please sanitize your hands. Hand sanitizer will be on a table near the altar.
  12. Bring all cups to the credence table. Consume the remainder if you are able. If you are not able to consume the remainder of the Precious Blood, the priest or deacon will consume it. Then return to Your seats.
  13. If you are not able to make the Mass you are scheduled for, please try to find a substitute.
  14. Please be conscious of how you dress for Mass.

How to Safely Open and Close the Tabernacle



Prayer of Preparation


As the Apostle John stood next to your Son’s Cross,
so I am privileged to stand next to your Altar
and serve in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

May my behavior and the attitude of my heart
reflect that Holy honor as I strive to serve in a special way.

With awe and wonder,
I will hold in my hands the Body of Christ and His Sacred Blood
so that my sisters and brothers
may be fed with the food of life.

Make my heart and hands clean.
Free me from anything of vanity and pride
that might divorce me and the service that is mine
from the heart of the Divine Mystery residing in this
holy meal.

May I, with your constant assistance, truly wait upon you and
your people in this Holy Liturgy of praise and adoration.


You can either download a form and return it to the rectory office or you may fill out the online form below:

Ministry Contact
Fr. Scott Attanasio