Different families have different needs for growing in the Catholic faith. We offer a variety of programs options to serve you:

Family Faith Formation Program
Programs for Children with Special Needs
Home School Program – please contact Director of Faith Formation

As we grow in faith, we prepare for and celebrate sacraments as gifts of God’s grace.

Reconciliation and Eucharist


We, the Office of Faith Formation of St. Joseph’s Parish, having answered a call to proclaim God’s love by word and deed, serve and support parish households in their faith journey and development. We strive to reinforce the faith example set at home and to foster an intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ in the heart of every member of our parish community. We aim to provide an environment where the faithful can explore and better understand the Catholic Christian faith and way of life. We hope to facilitate a process by which they can accept the challenge and call of Christ to daily discipleship.

Celebrating Mass

Mass Attendance
Our curriculum is always presented within the context of the liturgical year. Children and families learn primarily about the faith by worshiping together, fully engaging in the prayer of the Church throughout the year and participating in parish life. Our regular religious education sessions are intended to complement, not substitute for regular Mass attendance.

All families registered in our program are expected to attend Mass regularly. Since it is such an integral part of our program, children will frequently be asked about Mass attendance and the Sunday Scripture readings are often a part of their lesson. Weekly Mass attendance will help your child to participate fully in and class.

Plan Ahead
We find that the most effective strategy in successfully getting your family to Mass every week is to plan your weekend schedule ahead of time. Perhaps on Friday evening, as you look at your weekend activities, be sure to set Mass attendance as a priority, review the Mass times at St. Joseph’s (and neighboring parishes if necessary) then determine together what Mass you will attend. If you are having difficulty finding time to attend Mass regularly it may be a good time to take a closer look at your family’s activities and to prayerfully discern adjusting that schedule in order to ensure that regular participation at Mass is possible.

 201-343-4316 | Fax: 201-883-9392

[ Position Available ] |  email
Pastoral Director, Faith Formation