Frequently Asked Questions


The Archdiocese takes very seriously any and all allegations of misconduct by members of the clergy, Religious and lay staff of the Archdiocese. We encourage anyone with knowledge of an act of misconduct to inform us immediately so that we may take appropriate action to protect others and provide support to victims of sexual abuse and other misconduct.

Individuals who wish to report an allegation of sexual misconduct may do so by calling Karen Clark, the Director of the Office of Child and Youth Protection at 973-497-4254. Victims in need of assistance should call the Archdiocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at (201) 407-3256. They are also encouraged to call the Attorney General of NJ Clergy Abuse Hotline at 855-363-6548.



Our weekly Mass schedule is as follows:
Weekday: 8am [] (Monday – Saturday)
Sunday: 5pm Sat, 8am [], 10am, 12pm (Spanish)

Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 4-4:45pm or by appointment.


We stream many of our Masses and services via our public Facebook Live page. No Facebook account is required to access our streams. You may be asked to login, but you can dismiss that message and continue watching. Click the following button to go to our Live page.


The Adoration Chapel (located to your left along the back wall as you enter into the main body of the church) is open Monday-Saturday 8:30am-4pm.

There are a few rules to follow when using the Chapel:

  • Please wear a mask (regardless of vaccination status).
  • No more than 2 people at a time, please!
  • Sanitize your hands before you enter and after your leave.


If you are interested in honoring a family member or friend, in their memory or in thanksgiving, there are several options available.

  • Announced Mass: $10
  • Monthly Memorial of Altar Bread, Altar Wine, Sanctuary Lamp, or Missalette:
    $50 for a full month, $25 for half month.

During the Coronavirus pandemic, you can now request a Mass card by email. Simply send an email to
1. the name of the person you would like to remember
2. the name and address where you would like the Mass card to be sent
3. mail a check payable to St. Joseph Church to the rectory office (115 East Fort Lee Rd, Bogota, NJ 07603)

We’ll email you back with the next available Mass date unless you have a particular date you would like to request.


If you, or someone in your family, would benefit from the prayers of the parishioners at Saint Joseph during times of sickness, please call the rectory at 201-342-6300 and speak to a staff member. Names will stay on the announced and / or the printed bulletin list for one month. If you still need prayers, please call the rectory for another month of prayers.

Necesitas una oración por su familia o amigos? Visitar la  oficina de la rectoría o llame all (En Inglés) 201-342-6300.  Los nombres se mantendrán en tanto la anunciada y la lista de  anuncios para un (1) mes. Si usted todavía necesita oraciones, por favor llame a la rectoría o dejar una nota en la mesa. Esta es la regla también si usted llama para solicitar la visita de un sacerdote.


Use the following forms to request the use of parish facilities for parish events or to request the use of the church vestibule for a special collection or drive.

Once you submit your request (in person at the Rectory Office or via email it will be reviewed, the calendar will be checked, and you will be contacted once it is put in the calendar or if there are any questions or problems.

Facilities Request Form

Collection Request Form

Please Remember…

1)      When you fill out the facilities request, please fill out two different times…the “Event Time”, and the “Set up Time”. This will make it simpler for me to understand when you need the space, and will prevent multiple back and forth emails. For example, if you are hosting a Christmas party for Eucharistic Ministers in the Gym, your event is from 6pm-9pm, but you need to set up from 3pm-6pm. Years prior you might have put down, 3pm-9pm, however that just confuses things, especially when the event will be listed in the bulletin.

2)     YOU MUST MAKE YOUR REQUEST WITH EXACT USAGE TIMES-NO BLANKET RESERVATIONS. In the past, we have allowed you to block out a room-for example, once a week in the gym from 3pm-11pm, but it has happened that the room was not in use that full time, or not at all. We are blessed to have such an active parish, therefore due to overwhelming requests we have to ask for exact times every event date.  This will impact sports teams the most, as their times are somewhat sporadic. Please contact the rectory office with any questions regarding this new change.

3)     Just as a reminder… doors are never ever to be left open and unattended, even if you are “right there in the gym”. It only takes one moment for someone to slip into the building who does not belong. Please post a responsible adult at the door, and have late comers either ring a doorbell OR provide a contact cell phone number, so they can have someone let them in.

4.) If you need to make changes to a previously approved facility request, please use this form:

Facilities Request Change Form


If you have moved or changed your phone number since registering with our parish, please let the rectory know so we can keep accurate records and get in touch with you when needed. Also, if you are not receiving envelopes and would like to, please call the rectory. Our number is 201-342-6300.


The Saint Joseph Church parking lot is only to be used for those who are visiting the church and/or the school. There is NO overnight parking permitted in the Saint Joseph parking lot. Any cars parked on church property unlawfully may be towed, at the car owner’s expense.