Altar Servers
Altar Servers help the priest and deacon during the liturgy, especially at Mass. They have several duties to carry out, such as carrying the processional cross and candles, carrying the incense and thurible and assisting the priest in preparing the altar. Training is required before assuming the role of an Altar Server.
Bereavement Ministry
The Bereavement/Consolation Ministry at St. Joseph Church is a group of parishioners working with the pastor to provide support to those who have lost someone. Taking inspiration from the words of St. Francis’ prayer, these ministers strive to be instruments of peace, to console those in despair, and to support those who are grieving and need assistance.
Ministers assist with:
- Planning a Catholic funeral
- Bereavement support groups
- Sympathy communications addressed to bereaved
Ministry Contacts
Fr. Scott
Myrna Bruno
English Prayer Group
The English prayer group consists of praise and worship, a period of quietness and listening to the Our Lord, the offering of petitions for our families, friends and ourselves, teachings and a call to all present who desire personal prayer.
All prayer group activities are designed to bring people into a stronger relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The Prayer Group meets the 3rd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month. If you are interested in joining the English Prayer Group, please call or email Fr. Scott.
Ministry Contact
Fr. Scott
Environment / Church Decorating
The members of this ministry help to prepare and maintain the worship space to reflect the season being celebrated by providing and caring for the plants, flowers and décor. The purpose is not just to decorate but to create an atmosphere for worship that invites the community into prayer.
Ministry Contacts
Carol Bobat
Josefa Magrogan
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers are Catholic parishioners at least eighteen years old. They distribute the Body and Blood of Christ at the liturgies on weekends, holidays and Holy Days of Obligation. On site training and Pastoral approval are required to serve in this ministry. Some Eucharistic Ministers also volunteer to bring Holy Communion to area hospitals, nursing homes and to the homes of ill and elderly parishioners.
Those participating in the Lector ministry are called to proclaim the Word of God for Masses offered on Saturday, Sundays, Holy Days, and other special services throughout the Church year. At Masses without a Deacon, Lectors also offer the Prayers of the Faithful. At Masses without music, Lectors also lead the Entrance Antiphon, Lamb of God, and Communion Antiphon. The Lector’s task is to reveal God’s presence in the liturgy of the living Word for the parish community.
Ministry Contacts
English Masses
Charles Sutter
Spanish Masses
Wanda Uceta
Liturgy / Spiritual Life Committee
The members of the Liturgy/Spiritual Life Committee meet monthly to assist with planning all details pertaining to upcoming liturgies and spiritual events at St. Joseph Parish. Following the liturgies and events, evaluations are conducted. Members are asked by the Pastor of St. Joseph Parish to serve in this ministry.
Ministry Contact
Fr. Scott
Ministers of Hospitality
Ministers of Hospitality are men and women of the parish who take on the responsibility of providing good order for all our liturgies and special celebrations in Church. Their goal is to make people feel comfortable and welcome coming into Church, find appropriate seating, take up the collection, distribute bulletins and maintain our Church as a reverent setting for prayer and worship.
Music Ministry
The parish Music Ministry is under the direction of Michael Chladil, Director of Music and Organist at St. Joseph’s since July of 2010. He oversees the liturgical music for all of the Parish liturgies. The Director of Music, through his liturgical music training and planning skills, ensures that the liturgical norms and practices set forth by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Archdiocese of Newark of full, active, and conscious participation by the faithful are being promoted and adhered to.
A Sacristan is responsible for the materials needed for the celebration of the liturgy. They prepare the altar and sanctuary with the necessary liturgical objects needed for Mass and other liturgies.
Ministry Contact
Fr. Scott