Easter / Pascua

He is risen…  He is risen, indeed!  Happy Easter.

Saturday (the Easter Vigil) is the crown of all liturgies. The Church outdoes itself tonight. This is what it’s all about. This is what we celebrate in one way or another all year long. We light the new fire, proclaiming Jesus to be our light and our life. We hear the readings that tell the primal stories of who God is and of who we are and before that the exultant song proclaiming the night of nights when Jesus rose. We bless the waters of baptism through which new members are initiated into the Church. Along with these new members we celebrate the renewal of old members, insuring a Church alive and ever‑new. Finally, the Eucharist celebrates our coming together to nourish ourselves at the font of all life ‑‑ the Lord’s table. There are those who say all parish planning should start and end with the sacred Triduum. The key to an authentic and fruitful celebration of the Triduum is not to restage historical events but rather to renew what these events mean for our lives. The historical occurrences took place centuries ago. Now our goal is to recommit ourselves to dying to the old way in order to rise with Christ to a new life

May these next days of Easter be an occasion of blessing for you and your family.

Tue 5/6
RCR: Jesus and the Eucharist Series