Jesus tells us to ”not think that I have come to abolish the law.” In our society, the laws are often viewed as a set of rules and guidelines. Consequently, this understanding of restriction is passed on to our faith. What we must realize is that our faith is so much more than that. It is freeing.
The commandments are God’s blueprint for our fulfillment. Man was designed to seek the good, which is found in God and revealed in His Law. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that love means “to will the good of another.” And so, the commandments are a requirement of love (2 John 1:6). And love fulfills the meaning of our being and existence (John 15:10-12). How often do we fill our lives with worldly things that only make us happy temporarily? How often do we disregard God’s commandments for some type of instant gratification? Only God can fulfill our hearts’ deepest desires. When we pursue a relationship with Our Heavenly Father and learn to love what He loves, we find the key to true happiness and fulfillment in life. We find authentic freedom.
Today’s Tip: Today, time to reflect on what may be distracting you from pursuing a relationship with God. Once we have identified our world distractions, let us turn back to Sacred Scripture, Tradition, and the Sacraments. When we begin to understand what the Church teaches and how they came to be, is so freeing. Let us then teach it to others, for “whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.”