Humility and Trust
In today’s Gospel we hear about the birth of Christ. This passage may seem more appropriate for Advent rather than Lent, but it sheds great light into the humble beginnings of Christ coming into the world. Mary and Joseph did not fully comprehend the magnitude of their role in God’s plan, but they had extraordinary trust in the Lord. When Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel, she obediently consented to the will of God, though she did not know what would happen. How do you tell your husband, parents, family, and friends that you conceived the Son of God? Though we do not know her exact thoughts, we know that she said “yes.” Can we say the same when God asks us to serve Him? Even when we are sure that God is calling us, do we run away from that call? How can we place our trust in the Lord as Mary did, and respond?
Today is the Solemnity of St. Joseph. Today, let us think about his role in all of this.
When he learned that Mary, his wife, was chosen by God to be the mother of the Son of God, he was overwhelmed. He felt himself unworthy of the role he was to play as the foster father, and so he decided to divorce Mary quietly and send her away, in order to protect her from the condemnation of others. However, once an angel in a dream made clear to Joseph his essential role in God’s plan and that he should not be afraid, he immediately responded and took Mary into his home. Joseph, though feeling afraid and unworthy, found strength to fulfill God’s call in his life. He continued to follow the call of the Lord as head of the Holy Family. And the lack of a single word attributed to St. Joseph almost communicates that he followed God’s will without question and without need for explanation. St. Joseph trusted.
Though we have seen Jesus fulfill every promise, we can still find it hard to trust Him. As we continue our Lenten journey, let us follow the example set before us by Joseph and Mary.
Today’s Tip: Spend some time in silent prayer and ask for the intercession of St. Joseph. Ask for the help to fully trust our Lord and pray that you may have the courage to say yes to His will in your life.