Historical Photo Project
We’re building a collection of historical pictures to use are we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the parish. Would you consider sharing photos of events (baptism, wedding, graduation, dance, festival, etc.) that took place at St. Joseph Church or School?
Email your digital photo(s) to “photos@stjosephbogota.org“. You can send just one or as many as your email account will allow. Please also email a Word document or PDF including a list of the photo descriptions (year and event name if you have them) so we can categorize your photos.
If the words “computer”, “email”, “scan”, or “smartphone” make you anxious, ask a computer-saavy relative or friend to help you. It is also possible to digitize photographs using the photo kiosks found at many local pharmacies (CVS, Rite-Aid, etc). Many of these kiosks can save collections of digital photographs onto Compact Discs.
Some things to keep in mind:
– We regret that we won’t be able to accept any printed photographs in the rectory office. We simply do not have the resources necessary to collect, store, scan, and return printed photographs.
– We can’t promise that we’ll use every photo we receive, but aim to present as much of the parish history as possible.
– When scanning your photographs, scan them at resolutions no higher than 300dpi (please email if you have a question about this)
– By emailing your photographs to us, you are giving us permission to reproduce them without restriction in both print and electronic media (including the parish website).
For questions related to this historical photo collection, please contact Michael Chladil at mchladil@stjosephbogota.org