Volunteer Certification Deadline
November 25th, 2019
Attention: Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, and Choir Members.
Thank you to all liturgical ministers who have already completed their volunteer certification requirements. If you aren’t in the process of completing the requirements (a completed volunteer application on file and up-to-date Protecting God’s Children training credentials), you will be considered inactive as of November 25th and will be unable to serve until you complete the requirements. Our Local Safe Environment Coordinator Diane Maglione will offer the following courses here at St. Joseph Church in order to help you fulfill these requirements.
– Initial Protecting God’s Children training course: Monday, November 18th, 2019 7pm-10pm in the SJA Cafeteria. This course is for those who have never taken the Protecting God’s Children course before.
– Keeping the Promise Alive recertification course: Saturday, November 23rd, 2019 9am-10:30am in the SJA cafeteria. “Keeping the Promise Alive” is for those volunteers who have already taken a PGC initial class 5 or more years ago. You can register for this class by accessing your existing Virtus account and clicking on your training tab. You can also contact Diane Maglione who can place you in the class but please do not create a new Virtus account.
You can pick up a registration packet in the Sacristy after Masses or download one here.