Demons are a big part of the Gospel narrative today. Many of us Catholics seem to be hesitant in admitting the presence of Satan or demon, and become a bit uncomfortable when we hear someone preaching on the existence of the Devil. However, we cannot deny, even if we cannot fully understand, that there is a spiritual reality all around us. We like to believe in angels, but shy away from our belief in demons, which in fact, are fallen angels. We see this spiritual battle we have with Satan, throughout human history, beginning with Adam and Eve in the garden. And if we are honest, we know that the temptations that assail us seem as if they come from an intelligent being that knows just the way to get us to fall (C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters is a powerful work about this very thing).
Lent is a time for us to once again recognize the presence of this spiritual reality and recommit ourselves to building the Kingdom of God. We know that in every war, both sides bring their weapons. We cannot become complacent in our spiritual lives and think that there is no need to fight. Let us put on the armor of God, pick up the weapons of prayer and good works, be vigilant and accept the grace that will give us the strength to fight the daily temptations that we face. We have nothing to fear, but let us not become comfortable.
Today’s Tip: Today, take time to pray the St. Michael the Archangel prayer. Ask God for the strength to battle the demons in your life and recommit yourself to living as a true disciple of Christ, willing to do what it takes to build the kingdom of God here on earth.